I'm a 24 year old cyclist in London. I'm trying to do about 100 miles a week, which is a great excuse to wear lycra... and I suppose it keeps me fit as well :-) Stats... 12.5 stone, 5'11", shortish dark brown hair, slim build, big thighs ;-)
I've got shedloads of gear from shorts to full suits. When it comes to lycra, I like as much as possible, so I'm not massively into speedos, for example. A full kit list might appear soon, but trust me, I think I've got just about one of everything in the wardrobe!
Up for a chat / meet / picture swap then get in contact. Use the "want more" link below.
Its not just lycra I'm into by the way... well you might already know that if you've linked here from another of my sites!
I've been meaning to put a site together for ages, and have finally got round to it. So I appreciate any comments on it you might have. Suggestions for the site are great, but theres nothing explicit unfortunately, nor are there lycra face pics - I know far too many people online!
Its not quite there, theres some more galleries to go in, which should be finished over the next couple of weeks. The site will then be updated on a (roughly) monthly basis.
Salut. J'ai 24 ans et je roule environs 160km a mon velo chaque semaine. Mais, je suis sur que je fait de cyclisme pour porter lycra, plutot que la sante!
J'essayait de creer un site depuis longtemps, et enfin j'ai reussit. C'est pas fini, je vais mettre a jour plusieurs pages, pendant la semaine prochaine. J'aime bien aussi, si quelqu'un voudrait m'aider traduire ce site en francais!
Amusez vous, et si vous voudriez me contacter, suivez "want more",